AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

If you are black, especially if you are black and poor, the boot of white supremacy feels the same no matter the intentions behind it. However, I do want to emphasize that among, younger, educated white folks, the goal is not to hate black people. The desire is largely to ignore black people, to ignore poor and segregated communities, to ignore the role of race in our Country's History and its present. It is racism by way of being passive. We do that by sending in militarized police to keep a lid on places West Baltimore and South LA and we sooth our souls by declaring that we "don't see color" and the reason why we, white people, have it so good is because we just so happen to have more impulse control (there is a reason why David Brooks is popular despite being so vapid).

As white people, we are not unable to see race and its role in our history. After all, we read magazines like The Economist and we know that when a civil war is being fought in Syria or in Nigeria, we know that the war is being fought along ethnic or religious lines. We know that most wars and most injustices are shaped by History. Many of use studied a great deal of History in school and we can see how past events affect later events. Even uneducated white folks cannot get enough of Titanic, Gladiator or Glenn Becks programs and other semi fictionalized versions of pop history.

As white people, we are unwilling to see the role of race in recent American History. In fact, white conservatives do not even really like thinking of themselves as being white. It is willful amnesia and blindness that the History that happened recently, in our own Country and which affects us the most, gets deliberately ignored. So many of us just want to believe that our world of sprawling suburban homes, swimming pools, white collar jobs, gentle local police forces, car dealerships, wonderful parks, World class High Schools and leafy Universities are the result of our hard work. We want to believe that ourselves and our good lives appeared out of the ether.

Obviously, that is not true but to acknowledge the role of white supremacy in America, is to rob a white man of his sense of superiority and merit. Even worse than that, talking about systemic racism, diminishes a white person's sense of individuality. Individuality is perhaps the most important thing for a white conservative, merely being seen as part of a group not of their choosing (as opposed to fraternities, sports teams, academic clubs or companies which we can choose to join) is dangerous to our whole sense of being.

Acknowledging that the vast forces of Sociology and History play the biggest roles in shaping who we are and how we live can be painful but it is also liberating. If you are wealthy and privileged, you can stop scrambling for lies and half truths and self serving narratives and if you are poor and disadvantaged, you can stop hating and blaming yourself. From those positions we can see things clearly, establish a social Democracy and get to the root of what causes so many social problems including urban unrest and police brutality.

Well said

Some Caucasian NT members should take notes. Good knowing there's some rational folks out there
Rational?? There have been few (and far between) rational thoughts in this thread.
On top of that, most of you in this thread stereotype cops like you claim they stereotype minorities. You can't have it both ways.
Jane Miller of NBC affiliate WBAL, one of the best if not the best investigative reporters on TV here in BMore spoke to the second person that was in the wagon with Freddie Gray said he didn't hear anything that would've sounded like Gray hurting himself.
Jane Miller of NBC affiliate WBAL, one of the best if not the best investigative reporters on TV here in BMore spoke to the second person that was in the wagon with Freddie Gray said he didn't hear anything that would've sounded like Gray hurting himself.
Of course not. Cuz people don't sever their own spine. What is so hard about admitting you **** the bed?

You ****** up, you meant to rough him up but didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.

You're deeply sorry and prepared to accept whatever punishment the courts see fit to give you.

Even if it's not true it's a whole lot better than "He snapped his own neck. Now will you ******* please calm down?"
Acknowledging that the vast forces of Sociology and History play the biggest roles in shaping who we are and how we live can be painful but it is also liberating. If you are wealthy and privileged, you can stop scrambling for lies and half truths and self serving narratives and if you are poor and disadvantaged, you can stop hating and blaming yourself. From those positions we can see things clearly, establish a social Democracy and get to the root of what causes so many social problems including urban unrest and police brutality.
 Bingo.  Everything you said was great, but you offered a solution...

Well said

Some Caucasian NT members should take notes. Good knowing there's some rational folks out there
Rational?? There have been few (and far between) rational thoughts in this thread.
On top of that, most of you in this thread stereotype cops like you claim they stereotype minorities. You can't have it both ways.

I'm just replying to give you the attention you've been begging for. ok child?
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I'll say this again Obama has gone hard to fight for other groups rights. Nobody is expecting him to do a magic trick and end racism but he can do SOMETHING. You're the damn president, you're hands are not completely tied.

What do you expect him to do, specifically.

And how as he "gone hard" for others, specifically.

1. Address the issue and don't dance around it. From the school system, to the courts, the cops, the prisons that make money off of keeping them full with black men.

2. He has held no punches when addressing gay or Latino groups struggle but when addressing black problems he's as PC as possible.

I voted for Obama in 08 and I felt proud, I cried watching him and family celebrate after he won the election but he's been a disappointment. I've defended him many times when other black people would talk **** about him but I can't do it more. These incidents keep happening and he's either sitting on the sideline or when he does speak he's not addressing the real issue. He don't wanna alienate and make white folks uncomfortable but **** that, this is a all out war on black men. You do need to be kinda militant in a war. Especially if it's your people. These other politicians see him as a black man is safe and PC about black issues so they damn ain't gon care.
His hands are tied up man. I compare it to a Father coaching a team his son plays on. Just to ensure that he isn't accused of showing favoritism, he basically goes hard in the opposite direction. Obama can't really do much for us, let alone say it out loud, because folks will hit him with all types of claims.
I side with Maximus but can we move on from the Obama talk? We can all agree that the solution won't involve him anyway so we can just agree to disagree on his "actions"
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Everything in me wants to say that the fix is in. I'll stop just short of that.

Early Thursday, the full investigation into the death of Freddie Gray was handed over to Baltimore state's attorney Marilyn Mosby. She's pretty much the only person in her family who isn't a police officer. Both of her parents, her grandfather, two aunts, and three uncles have been police officers.

"She has a natural affinity for police officers and law enforcement types, and at the same time, she is aware of the incredible number of complaints against the Baltimore City police department," said Richard Woods, a Baltimore-based attorney whose practice is primarily criminal defense work.
Even a quick glance at her online photos shows her at parties and retirement celebrations for Baltimore police officers.
Will she be like St. Louis prosecutor Bob McCulloch? His father, brother, nephew, and cousin were all police officers his mother was a clerk for the police for over 20 years. It was in his blood. From the start he showed no real affinity for prosecuting Darren Wilson and is universally believed to have done a terrible job with the grand jury.

Special prosecutors are needed in cases of police violence. It's far too clear that the system is doing a terrible job investigating itself.

Maybe Prosecutor Mosby will do a great job holding officers accountable for what they did to Freddie Gray. I'd be shocked, though. What would her family think?

View media item 1514442
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I side with Maximus but can we move on from the Obama talk? We can all agree that the solution won't involve him anyway so we can just agree to disagree on his "actions"

Brah I will respond in detail to Maximus later and then let it go.

Because I feel this issue goes far beyond just caping or attacking Obama
I side with Maximus but can we move on from the Obama talk? We can all agree that the solution won't involve him anyway so we can just agree to disagree on his "actions"

Brah I will respond in detail to Maximus later and then let it go.

Because I feel this issue goes far beyond just caping or attacking Obama
Everything in me wants to say that the fix is in. I'll stop just short of that.

Early Thursday, the full investigation into the death of Freddie Gray was handed over to Baltimore state's attorney Marilyn Mosby. She's pretty much the only person in her family who isn't a police officer. Both of her parents, her grandfather, two aunts, and three uncles have been police officers.

"She has a natural affinity for police officers and law enforcement types, and at the same time, she is aware of the incredible number of complaints against the Baltimore City police department," said Richard Woods, a Baltimore-based attorney whose practice is primarily criminal defense work.
Even a quick glance at her online photos shows her at parties and retirement celebrations for Baltimore police officers.
Will she be like St. Louis prosecutor Bob McCulloch? His father, brother, nephew, and cousin were all police officers his mother was a clerk for the police for over 20 years. It was in his blood. From the start he showed no real affinity for prosecuting Darren Wilson and is universally believed to have done a terrible job with the grand jury.

Special prosecutors are needed in cases of police violence. It's far too clear that the system is doing a terrible job investigating itself.

Maybe Prosecutor Mosby will do a great job holding officers accountable for what they did to Freddie Gray. I'd be shocked, though. What would her family think?

View media item 1514442

Her husband is Councilman Nick Mosby of the 7th district who was one of the few city officials that was out Monday night trying to stop everything. She's been on the job for a year so far. Both are Tuskegee grads (where they met). This is her first big case so it will be interesting to see how she handles it. I'm not ready to say the fix is in.

I've seen her husband around town at various charity events & saw him Tuesday morning when I was helping to clean up (with my father in-laws & other in-laws). I'm not sure what to make of him yet.

He's really in tight with Elijah Cummings who I know is shady (as are all career politicians)...

View media item 1514459
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